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Undergraduate Costs

ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV seeks to be transparent when it comes to cost of attendance. The figures below help provide an estimate for you to plan and prepare for how you will pay for your undergraduate degree program. Note that billable expenses, like tuition and fees, and discretionary expenses, like transportation and miscellaneous personal costs, are subject to change and are listed here for the 2025-26 academic year. Some costs, like housing and food for students living off-campus, are provided for illustrative purposes and may not apply to each student. Visit the ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV Office of Financial Aid page for additional details or questions about paying for school. 

So how much does an ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV education cost? Thanks to generous scholarships and grants that a majority of students receive, it may be less than you think!

Sticker price: $47,312

— Average

First-Year Student Aid


= Actual Cost:


Estimated Billable First-Year Cost Breakdown (2025-26)

Annual Block Tuition: $30,698

Annual University Fees: $4,950

Annual Housing and Meal Plan: $11,664

— then subtract —

Merit/Talent Scholarships: $15,870

Need-Based Grants: $8,580

Cost Details

Annual Block Tuition ($30,698) covers 12-16 credit hours (CHs) per semester. Students taking 17 or more CHs per semester are charged the regular per-credit-hour tuition cost ($1,039) per additional credit hour over 16 CHs. Students taking fewer than 12 credit hours per semester are charged $1,039 per credit hour. Note that the per-credit-hour tuition rate for undergraduate Maymester courses and for undergraduate students age 55 and older is $350. Tuition for undergraduate courses taken on an audit basis will be assessed a nonrefundable audit fee rate of $150 per credit hour in addition to any course specific fees. Audit fees are not considered part of the structure for block tuition charges and will be assessed in addition to regular tuition charges. These per-credit-hour costs do not include any general or individual course-specific fees. The general per-credit-hour university fee is $165. The estimated undergraduate per-credit-hour cost for books is $75. Housing price is for a double room in Walker Hall. Meal plan price is for Meal Plan C. Scholarships and need-based grants are the annual average for fall 2023 first-year students who qualified. 

Listed below are estimated billable costs (will be charged to a student's bursar account) and potential additional estimated discretionary costs per academic year (fall and spring semester) for various classifications of undergraduate students. These do not consider any scholarship and financial aid deductions students may receive. Note that few ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV students pay the full cost of attendance. More than 90% of ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV students receive scholarships and other types of financial assistance.

General Undergraduate

Billable CostsNew First-YearNew Transfer,    
Returning Undergraduate (second through fifth year)
General Fees$4,950$4,950
Housing and Food*$11,664$14,202
Total Billable Costs$47,312$49,850
Discretionary Costs  
Health Insurance***$2,458$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000$1,000
Loan Fees$50$50
Total Discretionary Costs$7,458$7,458
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$54,770$57,308

Billable CostsAll Undergraduate
General Fees$4,950
Total Billable Costs$35,648
Discretionary Costs 
Housing and Food*$15,640
Health Insurance***$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000
Loan Fees$50
Total Discretionary Costs$23,098
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$58,746

Billable CostsAll Undergraduate
General Fees$4,950
Total Billable Costs$35,648
Discretionary Costs 
Housing and Food*$5,292
Health Insurance***$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000
Loan Fees$50
Total Discretionary Costs$12,750
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$48,398

Dance and Entertainment

Billable CostsNew First-YearNew Transfer,    
Returning Undergraduate (second through fifth year)
General Fees$4,950$4,950
Dance Fees$650$650
Housing and Food*$11,664$14,202
Total Billable Costs$47,962$50,500
Discretionary Costs  
Health Insurance***$2,458$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000$1,000
Loan Fees$50$50
Total Discretionary Costs$7,458$7,458
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$55,420$57,958

Billable CostsAll Undergraduate
General Fees$4,950
Dance Fees$650
Total Billable Costs$36,298
Discretionary Costs 
Housing and Food*$15,640
Health Insurance***$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000
Loan Fees$50
Total Discretionary Costs$23,098
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$59,396

Billable CostsAll Undergraduate
General Fees$4,950
Dance Fees$650
Total Billable Costs$36,298
Discretionary Costs 
Housing and Food*$5,292
Health Insurance***$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000
Loan Fees$50
Total Discretionary Costs$12,750
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$49,048


Billable CostsNew First-YearNew Transfer,    
Returning Undergraduate (second through fifth year)
General Fees$4,950 $4,950
Music Fees$2,086$2,086
Housing and Food*$11,664$14,202
Total Billable Costs$49,398$51,936
Discretionary Costs  
Health Insurance***$2,458$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000$1,000 
Loan Fees$50$50 
Total Discretionary Costs$7,458$7,458
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$56,856$59,394

Billable CostsAll Undergraduates
General Fees$4,950 
Music Fees$2,086
Total Billable Costs$37,734
Discretionary Costs 
Housing and Food*$15,640
Health Insurance***$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000
Loan Fees$50
Total Discretionary Costs$23,098
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$60,832

Billable CostsAll Undergraduates
General Fees$4,950 
Music Fees$2,086
Total Billable Costs$37,734
Discretionary Costs 
Housing and Food*$5,292
Health Insurance***$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000
Loan Fees$50
Total Discretionary Costs$12,750
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$50,484

Undergraduate Nursing Years 1 and 2

Billable CostsNew First-YearNew Transfer,    
Returning Undergraduate (first or second year)
General Fees$4,950$4,950
Housing and Food*$11,664$14,202
Total Billable Costs$47,312$49,850
Discretionary Costs  
Health Insurance***$2,458$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000$1,000
Loan Fees$50$50
Total Discretionary Costs$7,458$7,458
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$54,770$57,308

Billable CostsAll Undergraduate
General Fees$4,950
Total Billable Costs$35,648
Discretionary Costs 
Housing and Food*$15,640
Health Insurance***$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000
Loan Fees$50
Total Discretionary Costs$23,098
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$58,746

Billable CostsAll Undergraduate
General Fees$4,950
Total Billable Costs$35,648
Discretionary Costs 
Housing and Food*$5,292
Health Insurance***$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000
Loan Fees$50
Total Discretionary Costs$12,750
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$48,398

Undergraduate Nursing Years 3 and 4, Accelerated BSN

Billable CostsNew Transfer, Accelerated BSN, Returning Undergraduates (third or fourth year)^Accelerated BSN Spring 2025 Admits
General Fees$6,105$3,135
Nursing Fees$3,515$1,805
Housing and Food*$14,202$7,101
Total Billable Costs$41,322$20,791
Discretionary Costs  
Health Insurance***$2,458$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000$500
Loan Fees$50$25
Computer (junior, senior students only)$2,000$2,000
Total Discretionary Costs$9,983$7,258
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$51,305$28,049

^Students in the final year of their program may incur a cost of approximately $350 for testing and licensure in the state of Oklahoma. The cost may vary if students elect to be licensed in other states.

Billable CostsNew Transfer, Accelerated BSN, Returning Undergraduates (third or fourth year)^Accelerated BSN Spring 2025 Admits
General Fees$6,105$3,135
Nursing Fees$3,515$1,805
Total Billable Costs$27,120$13,690
Discretionary Costs  
Housing and Food*$15,640$7,820
Health Insurance***$2,458$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000$500
Loan Fees$50$25
Computer (junior, senior students only)$2,000$2,000
Total Discretionary Costs$25,623$15,078
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$52,743$28,768

^Students in the final year of their program may incur a cost of approximately $350 for testing and licensure in the state of Oklahoma. The cost may vary if students elect to be licensed in other states.

Billable CostsNew Transfer, Accelerated BSN, Returning Undergraduates (third or fourth year)^Accelerated BSN Spring 2025 Admits
General Fees$6,105$3,135
Nursing Fees$3,515$1,805
Total Billable Costs$27,120$13,690
Discretionary Costs  
Housing and Food*$5,292$2,646
Health Insurance***$2,458$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000$500
Loan Fees$50$25
Computer (junior, senior students only)$2,000$2,000
Total Discretionary Costs$15,275$9,904
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$42,395$23,594

^Students in the final year of their program may incur a cost of approximately $350 for testing and licensure in the state of Oklahoma. The cost may vary if students elect to be licensed in other states.

RN-BSN (On campus)

Billable CostsLiving On-CampusLiving Off-Campus
General Fees$3,750$3,750
Online Technology Fee$420$420
Housing and Food*$14,202$0
Total Billable Costs$30,072$15,870
Discretionary Costs  
Housing and Food*$0$15,640
Health Insurance***$2,458$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000$1,000
Loan Fees$50$50
Total Discretionary Costs$7,458$23,098
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$37,530$38,968

RN-BSN (Online)

Billable CostsLiving On-CampusLiving Off-Campus
Housing and Food*$14,202$0
Total Billable Costs$25,902$11,700
Discretionary Costs  
Housing and Food*$0$15,640
Health Insurance***$2,458$2,458
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$1,000$1,000
Loan Fees$50$50
Computer (junior, senior students)$2,000$2,000
Total Discretionary Costs$9,458$25,098
Total Billable and Discretionary Costs$35,360$36,798

Tuition for the online RN-BSN program is $390 per credit hour, with rates subject to change periodically. For more information, go to the program's .

*Housing and food figures for on-campus students represent an estimate of annual costs. Housing rates and meal plan costs vary by residence hall, room style and meal plan choice. More information can be found here. Figures for students living off-campus are an illustrative estimate and will vary based on students' living arrangements.

**The annual estimated cost of books ($2,250) is not applied toward billable costs for students who opt out of the university's Slingshot (bookstore) automatic textbook service. Students may opt out by logging into their and updating their preferences.

***Students are not required to purchase university-provided health-insurance coverage, but must opt out of coverage in order to avoid the billable cost of $2,458 each academic year.

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