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Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

Prohibited activities

The University prohibits all tobacco use of any kind in accordance with this Policy. This prohibition includes:

  • smoking, carrying, or possessing a lighted tobacco product
  • using or administering any nasal or oral use of any tobacco product by chewing, dipping, vaping, or inhaling
  • littering the campus with remains of tobacco products 
  • any form of manufacturing, distributing, or consuming any tobacco product or simulated tobacco product
  • selling, advertising, or participating in services that promote tobacco use
  • possession or use of marijuana is addressed in the Drug and Alcohol Policy

Prohibited products

Prohibited tobacco products include, but are not limited to, 

  • cigars
  • cigarettes
  • e-cigarettes
  • cigarillos
  • pipes
  • hookahs
  • dip/chew
  • orbs
  • strips
  • sticks
  • snus
  • snuffs
  • electronic devices/vapors
  • smokeless pouches
  • all smokeless or loose-leaf tobacco
  • any other nicotine delivery systems or products not expressly permitted in this policy

In keeping with ӰAV’s commitment to provide a safe and healthy academic and work environment, the University maintains a tobacco-free campus. This Policy applies to all property (both the interior and exterior of such property) owned, operated, or managed by the University, including all buildings, facilities, and grounds. Such premises include, but are not limited to, University housing (e.g., dormitories and apartments), athletic facilities, parking structures and lots, offices, classrooms, restrooms, hallways, stairwells, driveways, sidewalks, and lawns. This Policy also applies to vehicles owned or leased by the University, or under University control, as well as at any off-property worksite-sponsored meeting or event.

The University prohibits all tobacco use of any kind in accordance with this Policy. This prohibition includes smoking, carrying, or possessing a lighted tobacco product; using or administering any nasal or oral use of any tobacco product by chewing, dipping, vaping, or inhaling; littering the campus with remains of tobacco products; and any form of manufacturing, distributing, or consuming any tobacco product or simulated tobacco product. Prohibited tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigars, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigarillos, pipes, hookahs, dip/chew, orbs, strips, sticks, snus, snuffs, electronic devices/vapors, smokeless pouches, all smokeless or loose-leaf tobacco, and any other nicotine delivery systems or products not expressly permitted below. The University further prohibits selling, advertising, or participating in services that promote tobacco use. Notwithstanding the preceding list of prohibited tobacco products, this Policy does not prohibit persons over the age of 18 from possessing or using the following prescription or over-the-counter nicotine replacement products:

  • Skin patches available as generics known as transdermal nicotine patches, as private-label products, and under the brand names Habitrol and Nicoderm;
  • Chewing gum available as a generic product known as nicotine gum, as private-label products, and under the brand name Nicorette;
  • Lozenges available as generics known as nicotine lozenges, as private-label products, and under the brand name Commit; and
  • Prescription-only nicotine replacement products available under the brand name Nicotrol both as a nasal spray and as an oral inhaler.

This Policy applies equally to all members of the University community: administrators, faculty, staff, trustees, students, visitors, contractors, vendors, and all those attending on-campus events. The Tobacco-Free Campus Policy does not supersede more restrictive policies that may be in force now or hereafter in compliance with federal, state or local laws and ordinances.

ӰAV seeks to promote the health, well-being, and safety of all members of the University community. The Policy is designed to prevent and reduce exposure of individuals to second-hand smoke, to reduce tobacco use among University community members, and to prevent dependence on addictive substances. The Policy is not intended to judge individual lifestyles and choices or to punish individuals or groups. The University acknowledges and respects an individual’s right to choose to use tobacco; however, the University will not permit tobacco use on its property.

Achieving a tobacco-free environment requires the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers for its success. All members of the University community must observe and comply with this Policy and foster awareness of both the Policy and its rationale.

The University will place and maintain “Tobacco Free Campus” signs at all main campus and building entrances. Human Resources will ensure that all University employment ӰAV applications, both hard copy and online versions, contain information about the tobacco-free environment and that new employees receive information about the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy during new employee orientation and training. The Offices of the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Vice President for Enrollment Management will ensure that all prospective and new students receive information about the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy. The full text of the Policy will be posted for public viewing on the University website. Contractors and vendors will be notified of the requirement that they adhere to this Policy through a clause in their respective contracts or agreements.

Members of the University community should remember to be courteous when informing those who are unaware of or in noncompliance with this Policy.

It shall be a violation of this Policy for any person to discriminate against an individual because he or she has opposed any practice prohibited by this Policy. It shall also be a violation of this Policy for any person to discriminate against an individual because he or she has made a complaint or has assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation or proceeding under this Policy.

Violations of this Policy will be dealt with in accordance with disciplinary procedures provided for in the respective Faculty, Staff, or Student Handbooks. In the absence of such procedures, University administrators and supervisors will be responsible for implementing appropriate measures to address specific issues that constitute violations of this Policy. 

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