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Steps to a Successful Search

Once your career plans are set the next step is to position yourself for success!

When should you apply

  • Most jobs are posted for more immediate openings, unlike internships that search for candidates months in advance.
  • Whether graduating in December or May, you should begin your search the semester prior
  • Candidates will apply for an average of 10 - 15 positions in a competitive environment

Know what you want

  • Do your Research and keep on track with the Career Readiness Checklist
  • Conduct Informational Interviews and Job Shadow to secure your career goals
  • Create a plan and time line for your search- Self imposed deadlines can be your best friend!

Manage your applications

  • Stay organized and track all information that you submit (Who, When, Where etc)
  • Save a copy of the job description. Once they start making calls this will most likely be removed from the website, so a bookmarked link is not a good choice. The details will be helpful for interview preparation.
  • Keep track of their deadlines so you can follow-up appropriately.
  • Log phone calls and emails and always be polite and sincere.

Prepare and Polish

Stay Active

  • Join professional organizations or groups to connect with alumni and other professionals
  • Consider specialized training or professional development courses to attain new skill sets
  • Attend Career Fairs
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