Our Mission
The Meinders School of Business prepares graduate and undergraduate students to be socially responsible leaders in a global economy through teaching excellence and faculty scholarship in business practice and disciplines. Faculty and students engage with the business community, local government, and regulatory agencies as part of the teaching-learning process.
The Faculty
One of the most important attributes of the Meinders School of Business is the faculty. Ninety percent hold doctorate degrees and regularly publish articles in professional journals. The average class size is less than 20 students. Individualized instruction and small classes ensure that each student receives encouragement and assistance.
A Broad View of Management
The Meinders School of Business is committed to providing quality business education at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Curricula are designed to offer students a broad-based view of management: a view that emphasizes ethics, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility in the workplace; a view of management that will enable students to work effectively in the challenging global business environment. Course work features best business practices as well as theory and helps to provide students with the management skills necessary for effective leadership. Theoretical foundations are balanced by practical applications.