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Endowed Academic Positions

Endowed professorships and chairs carry prestige, make ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV more competitive, and help recruit the best professors to work with students and work in their fields. The endowments produce earnings that support faculty positions, so the principal is never touched and the endowment remains in place forever.

  • Nursing Dean’s Endowed Chair

American Floral Services Endowed Chair in Marketing
Established in 1987 by Herman and LaDonna Meinders. Dr. Michael Williams, Associate Dean and Professor of Marketing, currently serves as the American Floral Services Chair in Marketing.

B.C. Clark, Jr. Chair in the Meinders School of Business
Established in 2009 through a bequest from Mr. Clark’s late wife, Jeroldine Zachritz Clark. The chair recognizes members of the Meinders School of Business faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and research and who have attained a recognized level of accomplishment within their academic discipline. Dr. Meredith Wegener, Director of Energy Programs and Associate Professor of Legal Studies, currently serves as the B.C. Clark, Jr. Chair in Legal Studies and Dr. Jonathan Willner, Professor of Economics, currently holds the B.C. Clark, Jr. Chair in Economics.

Burwell Endowed Chair in the Meinders School of Business
Established in 1962 through the estate of James Burwell of Oklahoma City. Dr. James Ma, Associate Professor of Finance, currently holds the James Burwell Chair in Finance.

C.R. Anthony Endowed Chair in Competitive Enterprise
Established in 1980 by members of the C.R. Anthony family, the C.R. Anthony Company, and business associates in memory of Mr. C.R. Anthony of Oklahoma City. Dr. Robert Greve, Assistant Dean and Associate Professor of Information Technology currently holds the C.R. Anthony Chair in Competitive Enterprise.

Dr. Henry James Freede Chair in Teaching Excellence in Business Administration
Established in 1999 to memorialize the belief in the value of education expressed by the late Dr. Freede and to insure his vision of commitment to the highest ideals and teaching standards is promoted in the Meinders School of Business. Dr. Jacob Dearmon, Professor of Economics, and Dr. Evan Shough, Associate Professor of Accounting, currently hold the Dr. Henry James Freede Chairs in Teaching Excellence.

T.K. Hendrick Endowed Chair in Marketing and Management
Established in 1987 as a gift from T.K. Hendrick and the Hadson Petroleum Corporation to attract and retain superior faculty members in the Meinders School of Business. Dr. James Guzak, Associate Professor of Management, and Dr. Carol Howard, Associate Professor of International Business, currently serve as the T.K. Hendrick Endowed Chairs in Marketing and Management.

  • Darbeth Whitten Endowed Chair in History
  • Dr. Johnny A. Blue Endowed History Chair
  • Katherine and Mary Clary Chair of Creative Writing
  • Oakerhater Pendleton Endowed Chair in American Indian Studies
  • OMF - Eleanor Lou Carrithers Chair in Composition & Writing
  • Webster Lance Benham Endowed Memorial Professorship

  • Charles Nesbitt Awards Endowment
  • Kerr Constitutional Endowed Law Chair
  • Law Dean Position Endowment
  • Law School Energy Chair
  • Norman & Edem Endowed Professorship
  • Robert S. Kerr, Jr. Natural Resources/Environmental Law Chair
  • Sylvanus Felix Professor of Tax Law

  • Ann Hundley Hoover Endowed Chair
  • Busey Education Chair
  • Florence Birdwell Endowed Chair
  • Josephine Freede Endowed Professorship in Instrumental Music
  • Mark and Jackie Darrah Professorship in Opera and Musical Narrative
  • Wanda L. Bass Music Education Chair
  • Wanda L. Bass Organ Endowed Chair

  • Don Schooler Memorial Endowed Professorship
  • Endowed Chair in Islamic Studies
  • Francis Riley and Martha Washington Riley Endowed Chair in Religion
  • Margaret K. Replogle Endowed Religion Professorship
  • Ollie & Claude Bell Endowed Professorship in Church History
  • OMF - Old Testament Endowed Chair
  • Owen & Vivian Wimberly Endowed Professorship in Christian Thought
  • Paul W. Milhouse Endowed Religion Professorship
  • Vernon V. Harris Endowed Chair in Christian Education
  • Wimberly Endowed Chair for Professor of Religion and Ethics/Dean for the School of Religion
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